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Point to Point Cheat Shee

The cheat sheet below will help you estimate your point-to-point rail expenses. Well over 100 connections are listed. If your estimate is equal or close to the cost of the railpass you are interested in, the convenience a pass offers may be worth it to you. As you will see, rail tickets in central Europe can be rather steep. A few night trains in Germany can cost you a small fortune. On the other hand, you’ll be hard pressed to get your moneys worth in Spain. Thus, where you plan to travel needs to be considered. If you plan to travel with 2 or more travel parnters or if you are under 26 years of age, a railpass becomes a better value. If your trip is 2 weeks or less, you may have to spend a lot of time on the rails for a railpass to pay off; especially in southern or eastern Europe. Finally, if you plan 5 or more night trains during your journey, a railpass (especially a Europass), will likely prove to be a money saver.

Before you start clicking below, have an idea where you want to go and which railpass is the most likely to work for you. Figure out how much your pass will cost you on a daily bases. Finally, take a look at the prices below. Not every possible connection is provided, but the information provided should help you decide whether a given railpass is a good deal. If your route is not listed, find a similar route and the price will be about the same. The prices noted are one way 2nd class - plus or minus $5.

To estimate a fare between several cities, just add up each individual fare. The information is listed under the city name that is first in alphabetical order, whether it is your departure or destination city. For example, if you want a fare for Paris to Avignon, click on Avignon. If you want a fare between Oslo and Stavenger (not listed below), click on Oslo. You will find the price in $USD and approximate travel time in hours. NT means a night train is available offering couchettes/sleepers. X means you will need to change trains. The travel times may vary depending on the type of train you take.


Amsterdam Brindisi Dover Krakow Myrdal
Athens Brugge Dublin Lagos Nantes
Avignon Brussels Edinburgh Lausanne Naples
Barcelona Budapest Florence Lisbon Nice
Basel Calais Frankfurt London Oslo
Bath Cambridge Fussen Lourdes Paris
Belfast Cannes Geneve Lucerne Pisa
Berlin Chester Genoa Lugano Prague
Bergen Cologne Gdansk Lyon Rome
Bern Copenhagen Granada Madrid St. Moritz
Bordeaux Cordoba Helsinki Marseille Venice
Brig Cork Innsbruck Milan Vienna
Bratislava Dijon Inverness Munich Zermatt



From To $Cost USD Travel time in hours
Amsterdam to Arnhem 20 1
Berlin 110 8.5 NT
Brussels 25 2.5
Cologne 45 3
  Copenhagen 165 13 NT
Frankfurt 80 5
London 110 9 train/boat
Munich 155 8.5 NT
Paris 95 4
Athens Rome 170 28 train/boat
Avignon Barcelona 50 6.5
Nice 40 4
Paris 85 3.5 TGV, 8 NT
Barcelona Madrid 55 7 NT
Geneva 105 12 NT
  Paris 120 11.5 NT
San Sebastion 50 10
Basel Frankfurt 95 6
Paris 55 5 NT
Zurich 30 1
Bath London 55 1
Belfast Dublin 25 3
Bergen Myrdal 30 3
Oslo 85 7 NT
Stavenger 70 3
Berlin Copenhagen 110 8.5 X Hamburg
Frankfurt 95 6 NT
  Hamburg 60 3
Munich 115 7 NT
Prague 60 6.5
Stockholm 200 15 NT X Malmo
Warsaw 40 9 NT
Bern Basel 35 2
Zurich 45 2
  Interlaken 25 1
Bordeaux Paris 70 3
Bratislava Prague 35 5
Brig Chur 75 4
Brindisi Florence 75 12 NT X Bologna
Naples 40 7 NT
Patras 140 17.5 train/boat
Rome 50 7 NT
Venice 80 13 NT
Brugge Paris 80 2.5
Brussels Cologne 40 3
Luxembourg City 35 2.5
  London 149 chunnel 3
Paris 60 3
Budapest Krakow 55 11
Prague 60 9.5 NT
Vienna 40 3.5
Warsaw 75 14 NT
Calais Paris 65 2.5
Cambridge London 30 1
Cannes Paris 100 6 NT
Chester London 75 2
Cologne Frankfurt 40 2.5


Hamburg 80 4
Munich 120 6, 8.5 NT
Paris 70 4
Copenhagen Hamburg 70 5
Goteborg 50 3
Oslo 135 10.5 NT
Paris 220 15 NT X Aachen
Stockholm 135 7 NT
Cordoba Granada 20 2
  Madrid 40 3
Seville 25 1.5
Cork Dublin 50 3
Dijon Paris - TGV 54 2
Dover London 35 1.5
Dublin Killarney 60 4
Paris 200 13 plus chunnel
  Galway 25 3
London 100 10 boat/train
Paris 135 20 boat/train
Edinburgh Glasgow 15 50 min
Inverness 45 4
London 130 4
York 65 2
Florence Milan 30 3
Paris 140 13.5 NT
Rome 30 1.5 fast, 3 regular
  Venice 25 3
Zurich 80 8 NT
Frankfurt Copenhagen 185 11 NT
Koblenz 30 2
Munich 90 3.5
Paris 85 6, 8 NT
Prague 125 8 NT
Rothenburg 45 2
Zurich 100 5
Fussen Munich 25 1.5
Gdansk Warsaw 15 7.5
Geneva Lyon 35 2
Milan 60 4
Nice 85 8 NT
  Paris 80 3.5
Zurich 60 3
Genoa Milan 15 2
Nice 25 3
Rome 50 5, 7 slow
Granada Madrid 35 7
Seville 25 4
Helsinki Stockholm 60 10 boat/train
St.Petersburg 80 7
Innsbruck Milan 45 5.5
Munich 30 3
  Salzburg 40 2
Venice 35 5
Vienna 60 8 NT
Zurich 50 5
Inverness London 170 8 NT
Skye 30 3
Krakow Warsaw 20 7 NT
Lausanne Milan 50 4.5
Paris 85 3.7
Lagos Lisbon 20 5, 7 NT
Seville 40 6
Lisbon Madrid 50 10 NT
  Seville 45 14
London Manchester 90 30 min
Paris 110 chunnel 3
York 60 2
Lourdes Paris 90 6.5 NT
Lucerne Paris 80 7.5 NT X Basel
Zurich 20 1
Lugano Milan 20 1.5
Zurich 45 3.5
Lyon Paris 75 2
Madrid Nice 155 18 X Barcelona
San Sebastion 50 7 NT
  Seville 65 2.5
Marseille Nice 35 2.5
Paris 70 4
Milan Geneva 70 5
Paris 150 10 NT
Rome 50 5
Venice 25 3
Zurich 60 4.5
Munich Paris 130 8.5 NT
Prague 60 7.5 NT
  Rome 90 11 NT
Salzburg 30 2
Vienna 65 4.7
Zagreb 70 11NT
Zurich 65 5
Myrdal Oslo 50 4
Nantes Paris 65 2
Naples Palermo 70 9 NT
Rome 20 2
Nice Paris 100 6.5, 9 NT
Rome 60 10 NT
Oslo Stockholm 115 6.5 NT
  Stravanger 100 9 NT
Trondheim 90 7 NT
Paris Rome 150 15 NT X Milan
Strasbourg 60 4
Toulouse 90 5, 8 NT
Tours 55 1
Venice 140 12 NT X Milan
  Vienna 140 13.5 NT X Munich
Zurich 80 6, 9.5 NT
Pisa Rome 30 4
Prague Vienna 45 5
Rome Venice 45 4.5 fast, 6 to 7 regular
  Zurich 100 8.5 NT
Salzburg Vienna 40 4
St.Moritz Zermatt 100 7.5
Stockholm Trondheim 90 13 NT
Zurich 50 3
Venice Vienna 70 8 NT
Zurich 100 12 NT
Vienna Warsaw 50 9 NT
  Zurich 100 12 NT
Zermatt Zurich 80 6





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